Wednesday, December 31, 2014

This Blog Still Exists?! Wow!

Wow! I bet you all thought I had completely given up on blogging! For a while there, I thought I had, too. I'd like to explain my extended hiatus, and hope that there's still someone out there who is willing to read it.

Here's the thing: Normally, I try to keep my posts here upbeat, and fun. I like to give those few of you that actually read Amber in Asia a small glimpse into mine and Jeremy’s lives here in the Land of the Rising Sun. For the most part, I feel like there is no need to share the not-so-pleasant aspects of life here, because I want to lift you up, and not bring you down. I mean, you all have your everyday problems and annoyances, like I do. So, why would I want to weigh you down with mine? With ours? That’s the main reason that I haven’t posted in so long. Before our Christmas vacation, every time I sat down to write, I found myself so distracted with the negative stuff, that my efforts were a complete failure. 

I am actively trying to move past that so that I can tell you all about the cool stuff we've seen and done. We don't have much time left here in Japan, and I want to spend it doing the things that I love. One of those is writing. Eventually, I will be completely honest with you about the negative things/people/situations that have kept me away from my blog for so long. That will have have to wait until we're back stateside, though. 

For now, I want to wish everyone a Very Happy New Year! 2014 had some really amazing moments for us, as well as some sad ones. We were blessed to be able to spend so much time with our family and friends. One of our oldest, and best, friends married the love of her life, and we were able to be a part of it. We traveled together to a country neither of us had ever been to before. One of my best friends asked me to be the godmother to her soon-to-arrive baby boy. These were some of the best moments of the year! Unfortunately, this was also the year that we lost my grandma. I will always miss her spunkiness, her smile, and everything else that made her her. But, I also know that she lived a very long, and happy life, and is in a much better place now.

While I may be ready to say goodbye to 2014, and hello to 2015, I still plan to make good on my promise to fill you in on all the fun things we did in 2014. I think y'all will enjoy hearing all about it, and seeing some really cool photos.

Happy New Year, y'all, and you will hear from me again very soon!