Sunday, July 7, 2013

It's Been a While!

Wow!  I realized the other day just how long it had been since I posted anything on here!  I have not abandoned my blog, I've just neglected it!  Truth be told, Amber hasn't really been up to too much here in Asia!  

I spent the month of May back home in the states, and once I got back here, I started school in June.  There's nothing too exciting going on there.  However, I did go to my very first Army Ball, and that was...interesting.  I will fill you in on it!

In my last post, I promised that I would tell you all about the Fertility Festival that I went to.  And, I will.  Hopefully I'll be writing that post in the next few days.  Please remember that there will be photos, and these photos aren't for everyone!  I'm sure that you don't want to have to explain to your child what that big phallic symbol is that Ms. Amber is sitting on, or holding, get the picture!  

I am sorry that I haven't been on here in so long, but I'm sure you will enjoy my next post!  Be looking for it this week!!!