Unfortunately, Amber still is not in Asia! I miss my husband more and more every day. This is not how I expected to spend the first four months of marriage! I love that we are able to Skype almost everyday; I'm not sure how I would be handling the separation otherwise. It's so hard, though, to see his face and not be able to touch it, touch him. I can see him, I talk to him, laugh with him, but I'm not with him. I guess military wives go through this all the time, and I should get used to it. I'm not sure how one ever gets used to being separated from their other half, though. Not only that, but, I'm new to this! I feel like I'm being cheated out of what should be the happiest time in my life. It's very frustrating to say the least.
Moving to the other side of the world is frustrating as well, especially considering that the army isn't paying for the move. I've spent a little over $600 in the last two weeks mailing our things from here to Japan, and I'm not done yet. I gave away all of my furniture, with the exception of my chest of drawers and vanity. It was going to be less expensive to buy new furniture than it would be to ship mine, so it made sense. I can keep those two items at my parents' without really putting them out, but there wasn't anywhere to keep all the rest. Since we already decided that we were going to buy furniture in Japan, it didn't make any sense to put mine in storage. If we did that, when we got back to the states, we'd have two of everything!
Besides storing my bedroom furniture at my parents' house, I'm also storing myself and our two cats. My lease was up at the end of June, and I didn't want to sign another one knowing (hoping, anyway) that I'd be leaving soon. I could pay month-to-month, but they'd add an additional $100 per month for that, and that just seemed like a waste of money. Besides, it's good that I'm able to spend the time before I leave here with my parents. They sure are going to miss me! Ha! Of course I'll miss them, too!
Honestly, I was going to really rant about something that's been on my mind here lately, but, on the off chance that someone unexpected reads this, I think I'll wait until I'm safely on the other side of the world! I guess I could say a little and then finish once I'm there...
I have somewhat recently been made aware of just where I stand with, well, with almost everyone in my life. The funny thing about getting married, about putting all that effort into just one day is, once it's over, you know. You know everything. You know your place in your family and who your best friends are. There are the people that were so willing to help that they stayed at the church with you for hours and hours. There are the people that went dress shopping with you before you were even officially shopping. There were the people that went shopping with you time and time again because you kept forgetting stuff or you changed your mind, or you just had a crazy bridal whim. There are the people that should have been part of the actual wedding party and it broke your heart and theirs that they weren't. And, then for that same person to be the one to throw your bachelorette party, well, you really really know where you stand with them. There are people that no matter what kind of awful thing (and I do mean awful) is going on with them that day, they still show up just to do your makeup. There are people that should just be seated guests that instead are fixing your wedding cake that was almost destroyed en route to the wedding. There are people that you just couldn't ever imagine getting married without them being present, and so your soon-to-be husband makes sure they are on a plane, and picked up from the airport, and then completely made over so that they are usher-ready. There are people that would never dream of missing your wedding.
And, then there are other people. It's these people that I'll tell you about once I'm safely on the other side of the world...if I ever get there!
Bless your heart. I know it's a lot you're having to deal with right now, but soon you'll be with your husband! yay!
ReplyDeleteI love being from the south! Sometimes a girl needs a good "bless your heart!" Thanks!